Fifth and Sixth Week
You can probably guess by the lack of posts that life as a mom has gotten a little busy/hectic. The holidays are over (and so is my live-in help) and Charley is back at work, so I've had lots of one-on-one time with miss Riley.
Over the past few weeks it feels like a light has been lit in the world around her - we can tell that she is seeing and hearing everything. I can only imagine how strange and exciting it all is for her. She has started to chat with herself a bit and has the "guh" sound down. We've caught more and more smiles that are no longer just glimpses. I am dying for a solid smile or giggle...
I've been told recently that my posts are completely mushy, and as I look back they really are (it is almost embarrassing). What can I say, this baby has turned me into a softy (and perhaps I'm just too exhausted for humor!).
The biggest challenge I've faced recently is learning to let go of certain things and accept that I am no longer in control. For my entire life I've been a bit of a clean freak - I can't even stand to watch TV in my living room if there are dirty dishes in my kitchen. I also value taking several hours to cook dinner, leisurely chopping things while listening to music and sipping wine. For a few weeks after Riley was born I honestly tried to maintain these things... in the end I always felt so overwhelmed because I would only get halfway through the dishes or laundry and would have burned more food than I had in my entire life. But what I realize now is that I was that I was missing precious moments with Riley while trying to maintain this previous lifestyle.
So my goal right now is to accept that my house will be dirty, my food will be frozen, out of a box or takeout, and that every moment with Riley is worth pausing for because this girl is growing fast.
She weighed 12.2 pounds this morning - no wonder my back hurts!
Riley got to meet Alexis this past week which was just awesome. For our entire lives Alexis and I have talked about what we'd name our kids and tried to imagine what types of mothers we would be, and now that that time in our lives is finally here I couldn't wait for her to be here to share it with me. It was just awesome. And she cleaned the bottles and folded my laundry.
I miss my family a lot right now - it has been hard to start this chapter in my life at such a distance from them. I want to share all of these moments with them. I know people do it all the time and I have faith that we will figure out a system that works... I do wish we were closer though.
One last funny note - last week Charley was watching football and all of a sudden realized he was missing his wedding ring. I knew this day would come because he fiddles with it constantly. After digging through the sink drain and couch cushions, he finally thought to check the diaper station. And where was the ring you ask? At the bottom of the diaper genie. If this isn't a metaphor for our life then I don't know what is.
Just had to add this picture in because Riley and grandma look so pretty.
Happy baby!
This little lady is watching the Seahawks and loving it.
The ring - the symbol of our marriage - in a bag full of dirty diapers.
I can't figure out what she is thinking here, but Charley claims it is the Zoolander pose.
She took the game very seriously.
This little bear loves her Auntie Alexis.
"I didn't do it, I swear"
This boxer is ready for the ring.
Don't let this serious expression confuse you - Riley loves the bath. It has become a go-to move when she is fussy (which is quite often these days).
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